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Şişecam’s operations in the electric energy and natural gas market, started with the “Electricity Generation Project” which was launched in 1995 in order to generate electricity in the Şişecam Group companies and meet the electricity requirement of the Group Members.

As a part of this project, Camiş Elektrik Üretimi Otoprodüktör Grubu A.Ş. was founded and in August 1997, 31 MW Trakya Power Plant was commissioned. When 12 MW Topkapı and 12 MW Çayırova Power Plants were also commissioned in the first half of 1998, the total installed power reached 55 MW. These three plants annually generated 400 million kWh electricity and 80 thousand tons of steam for the Group factories.

In the beginning, it was intended to generate electricity only for the Group companies; however, in time, the Company started selling surplus power to customers that were not a part of the National Grid, i.e. free consumers. The company obtained a generation license and was renamed as Camiş Elektrik Üretim A.Ş.

In 2006, in order to provide steam to the soda factory of Şişecam, the 1st Line of the Mersin Cogeneration Plant was commissioned with an installed power of 126 MW, and a capacity to generate 1 million kWh electricity and 3 million tons of steam annually.

In 2007, Topkapı and Çayırova power plants were sold, when natural gas prices increased and electricity sales prices decreased in the Turkish market.

In 2009, the 2nd Line of the Mersin Cogeneration Plant was commissioned to meet the increasing steam need of the soda factory. Thus the generation capacity of the Plant increased to 2 billion kWh on the electricity side and 400 million tons on the steam side.

As a result, by the end of 2009, Camiş Elektrik was continuing its operations with a total installed power of 274 MW, which included

  • 31 MW Trakya Plant with an installed power of 31 MW, and
  • Mersin Cogeneration Plant with an installed power of 244 MW (1st Line 121 MW and 2nd Line 123 MW).

In 2012, the Mersin Cogeneration Plant that was built on the soda factory site was transferred to ensure that the company fully benefited from the synergy created by this steam generation plant. Following the transfer, Camiş Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. held only 31 MW Trakya Plant and had a capital of TL 25 million.

In 2014, Şişecam Enerji A.Ş. was founded to operate in the electrical energy and natural gas market under the legislation of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority, and Camiş Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. was made a part of this company.

Şişecam Enerji started its energy trade operations by obtaining from the Energy Market Regulatory Authority a Supply License on 10 July 2014 to trade electrical energy and/or capacity for 20 years, and a Wholesale License on 3 September 2014 to wholesale natural gas for 30 years. Below, are the operations of Şişecam Enerji:

  • Trading, purchasing, selling, importing and exporting electrical energy and/or capacity in compliance with the electricity market legislation, and building infrastructure necessary for performance of these operations, holding interest in other electricity companies, and conducting marketing, research, business development, and other commercial and technical activities to achieve objectives of the Company,
  • Trading, purchasing, selling, wholesaling, importing, exporting, storing of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LND) and building infrastructure necessary for performance of these operations, and conducting marketing, research, business development, and other commercial and technical activities to achieve objectives of the Company.

Şişecam Enerji A.Ş.

İçmeler Mahallesi, D-100 Karayolu Caddesi, No: 44A 34947
Tuzla, İstan​​​bul​​​, Turkey

Phone   : +90 850 206 50 50
Fax        : +90 850 206 40 40​​

Contact Information

Camiş Elektrik Üretim A.Ş. Trakya Bölge Santrali

Büyükkarıştıran Mevkii, Muratlı Lüleburgaz
(0288) 400 79 10